Effective Remote Work by James Stanier Book commentary in my essay about remote work. Title: Effective Remote Work: For Yourself, Your Team, and Your Company Author: James Stanier Year: 2022 Get the book on Amazon
5 more rules for IT (This post is in Finnish since it's a reply to a LinkedIn post in Finnish). Ferrix Hovi postasi LinkedInissä erinomaisen listan ajatuksia IT-alaa harkitseville ihmisille. Jokaisen ajatuksen kohdalla nyökyttelin päätäni ja näytin mielessäni Ferrixille peukkua. Luettuani listan mielessäni alkoi heti kuulumaan ajatus: ”Loistava lista, mutta voisin kommentoida että
Can't Hurt Me by David Goggins I’ve heard David Goggings name from ultra running circles and watched some of his Youtube videos. He sounded like a stereotypical motivational speaker, but as these things usually go, there is usually so much more under the surface. Sometimes David’s obsession goes way overboard - to the point
Voittajien ja häviäjien Suomi: Asuntovarallisuuden uusjako by Veera Tegelberg, Karla Kempas Kirja onnistuu asettamaan viime vuosikymmenen asuntojen hintojen repeämisen laajempaan historialliseen ja poliittiseen kontekstiin erinomaisesti. Talouselämän asumista seuraava toimittaja Karla Kempas ja Kauppalehden datatoimittaja Veera Tegelberg käyvät läpi niitä seikkoja, jotka asettavat nykytilanteessa ihmisiä voittajien ja häviäjien leiriin käymällä läpi omistajien, vuokralaisten, perijöiden ja asuntosijoittajien näkökulmia. Toimittajat jatkavat suomalaisen omistusasumisen historialla,
In Order to Live by Yeonmi Park Yeonmi sounds like a remarkable young lady - a child, really, who had to endure unimaginable things and take responsibilities of decisions which no child should have to take. This was a book worth reading. In addition to describing the tragic life of Yeonmi and her family, the story describes
Managing technical quality in a codebase Will Larson wrote a thoughtful post about managing technical quality in a codebase. The post goes through seven different approaches to managing technical quality, starting from fixing the most critical thing in your code right there and then, to planning & executing an organization-wide quality program with program sponsors, metrics,
Time for reading and workouts There's a new interesting blog/newsletter called The Observer Effect by Sriram Krishnan which has posted two interviews so far: Marc Andreessen and Daniel Ek. Both are fairly long, so be warned. A lot of themes are covered, but the topic of productivity and personal time management is
The Leadership Pipeline by Ram Charan, Stephen Drotter, and James Noel As software engineers, we are used to designing large system architectures by defining the roles and responsibilities of each component. We assess whether some components have overlapping responsibilities, are overburdened with too many responsibilities, or if there is a gap that must be filled with a new component. Defining, maintaining,
Why are CEOs failing software engineers The idea that Taylorism isn’t the best fit for management in creative fields like software engineering isn’t new in any sense. However, rarely do you come across an article which lays down the historical roots of different management forms, their purpose & practices, and mapping between the types
Budget as a requirement for feature development What is the most annoying thing you encounter as a professional software engineer? Back in the days when I was actively writing code, it was often missing the right context. Work would come in as a stream of tickets, often hastily written, each representing small pieces of work that would